November 3, 2022
Europe/Prague timezone

Plenary day / Thursday, November 3, 2022

Webinar Link (Passcode: 237330)


09:00 - 09:30
Allen Weeks, ELI ERIC Director General
Introduction & Overview

9:30 - 10:10 
Katalin Varjú, ELI ALPS Science Director
ELI ALPS Overview and Status

10:10 - 10:50
Daniele Margarone, ELI Beamlines Director of Science and Operations
ELI Beamlines Overview and Status

10:50 - 11:00 / Break

11:00 - 11:40
Calin A. Ur, ELI Nuclear Physics Director
ELI Nuclear Physics Overview and Status

11:40 - 12:15
Florian Gliksohn
, ELI ERIC Executive Director
ELI Call for Users 

12:15 - 13:00 / Lunch Break

13:00 - 14:30
ELI ALPS Research Developments Highlights - chair: Dimitris Charalambidis

13:00 - 13:30
Giuseppe Sansone
(Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany)
The NonlinearATTO project

13:30 - 14:00
Majed Chergui
(EPFL, Switzerland)
Ultrafast spectroscopy measurements of liquid solutions under vacuum

14:00 - 14:30
Martin Aeschlimann
(TU Kaiserslautern, Germany)

Spin and time-resolved momentum microscopy on solid surfaces

14:30 - 14:35 / Break

14:35 - 16:05
ELI Beamlines Research Developments Highlights

14.35 - 14.55
Theresa Staufer
Universität Hamburg, Germany
Perspectives of X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI)

14.55 - 15 20
Marcel Mudrich
Aarhus University, Denmark
XUV Spectroscopy and Imaging of Helium Nanodroplets

15.20 - 15.40
Mario Manuel
General Atomics
Developing Technologies at General Atomics for Rep-rated Operation of High-Energy-Density-Physics Experiments

15.40 - 16.05
Marco Borghesi
, Queens’ University Belfast, UK
Research Opportunities in Ion Acceleration and Applications on the ELIMAIA Beamline

16:05 - 16:10 / Break

16:10 - 17:40
ELI Nuclear Research Developments Highlights

16:10 - 16:40
Kazou Tanaka (ELI-NP)

Introduction of User Proposals and their scope in future

16:40 - 17:10
Philip Bradford (CELIA, France)

Dispersion Relation and Pulse Shaping of Femtosecond Laser-Driven Transient Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

17:10 - 17:40
Daniel Ursescu (ELI-NP)
Experiments at the HPLS 100 TW output: prospective studies towards strong fields

17:40 - 18:00
Summary / Wrap-up
