22–23 May 2025
ELI Beamlines Facility Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Event description

This workshop aims to bring together safety experts from various European user facilities to foster knowledge exchange, share experiences, and address current challenges and difficulties within the field. While the primary focus is on user safety, participants are encouraged to propose discussion topics relevant to the workshop's overall theme, ensuring a comprehensive and fruitful exchange of ideas.

The workshop will be held as a moderated discussion on questions and topics proposed by the registered attendees and approved by the organiser.

To further enhance the collaborative spirit, the workshop will include a guided tour of the experimental and laser halls at the hosting facility and a social dinner in the heart of Prague.

For whom:

This workshop is intended for Safety experts from European research facilities with user programs. Focus is on laser, synchrotron, accelerator or similar facilities across Europe such as CERN, DESY, ELI, Elettra, MAX IV, STFC, EuXFEL, PSI, SOLEIL, etc. 


22nd – 23rd May 2025


User Safety Workshop will be held in Prague, Czech Republic. The hosting facility is ELI Beamlines, which is part of ELI ERIC

Address: Za Radnicí 835, 252 41 Dolní Břežany


Please note that the workshop will be held in the form of a moderated discussion. Due to that, the number of participants will be limited. We appreciate your understanding.


This event is financially supported by The Association of European-Level Research Infrastructures Facilities (ERF-AISBL). 

Participating fee:

This workshop is free to participants, and travel support of 350 EURO is provided.