5–6 Jun 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Travel information

Your travel arrangements will be made by the agency Smart Terminal. To be able to access their services, please follow the instructions below, and in case of any questions, please contact renata.ryndova@eli-laser.eu.


The details of the reservation system:

  • Access to the Smartterminal ticket reservation system is fully available to you, please visit www.smartterminal.cz.
  • Login information: User name: PRP, Password: Travel2023PRP
  • This is an online tool that allows you to book your air tickets fast and easily.
  • You will get the tickets, we'll take care of the administration!
  • You can reach the service via an application as well.

Write a note for other services:
- accommodation
- transfer
- rent a car
- train or bus tickets