25–29 Aug 2025
Europe/Prague timezone


What to expect?

The 5-day programme of ELISS2025 will offer the participants a balanced combination of extended tutorials on laser technology with overview lectures on laser-driven radiation sources and instruments based on them. Laboratory tours will give an opportunity to see the on-site ELI Beamlines technologies. The participants will receive an overview of experimental capabilities offered by the ELI Facilities. The rich programme of the anniversary 10th ELI Summer School will provide participants with an opportunity to obtain practical skills through various satellite activities based on their choice. Hands-on trainings, user application writing exercises, or an ELI Science Olympiad will offer alternatives to engage with ELI in a dynamic way, in order to balance new lectures and practical knowledge. 

Participants will have a platform to showcase their research during a poster session and discuss their questions with Scientific Consultants; network in ice-breaking events, such as coffee breaks, Gala Dinner and informal gatherings. 

We encourage the participants to plan their arrival on Sunday (24 August) in the afternoon/evening and departure on Friday evening (29 August) or Saturday (30 August).

Scientific topics covered in the programme

  • Ultra-high intensity lasers and advanced laser technologies
  • Laser-matter interaction
  • High-energy density physics and warm dense matter
  • Science of high repetition rate and free electron lasers
  • Laser-driven particle acceleration and multidisciplinary applications: medical, biological, cultural heritage and material science
  • Laser-driven X-ray sources
  • Imaging techniques with short X-ray pulses
  • Experimental nuclear physics using high-intensity lasers
  • Applications of femtoscience in biology, chemistry and solid-state physics  
  • Generation of attosecond pulses: attoscience photonics
  • Space Applications 


Detailed programme TBA soon