26–27 Jan 2023
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (FZÚ)
Europe/Prague timezone

UHDpulse Project: Overview and Current Status

27 Jan 2023, 14:30


Andreas Schüller (PTB)


Dosimetry for FLASH radiotherapy, VHEE radiotherapy as well as for laser driven beams cause significant metrological challenges due to the ultra-high dose rates and pulsed structure of these beams, in particular for real time measurements with active dosimeters. UHDpulse developed metrological tools needed for reliable real-time absorbed dose measurements of electron and proton beams with ultra-high dose rate and ultra-high dose per pulse. Within UHDpulse, primary and secondary absorbed dose standards and reference dosimetry methods are developed, the responses of available state-of-the-art detector systems are characterised, novel and custom-built active dosimetric systems and beam monitoring systems are designed, and methods for relative dosimetry and for the characterization of stray radiation are investigated.

A brief overview of the achievements of the involved institutions within the framework of UHDpulse will be given as introduction of the meeting.

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