Conference venue
Hlavní pracoviště Slovanka | FZU
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
Na Slovance 1999/2
182 21 Praha 8
How to reach the conference
Entrance to the conference is from the street "Pod Vodárenskou Věží"

From the Václav Havel Prague Airport
Use the AE bus and go to the station „Hlavní Nádraží“. Leave the bus and continue by metro (underground red line C) to the station „Ládví“.
From the main railway station “Praha – Hlavní nádraží”
Use the metro (underground red line C) to the station “Ládví”.
You should buy a ticket for 32 CZK/90 min
Download our leaflet for more information.
See for more information.
How to reach the Restaurant (dinner) in Prague 1
Use the metro (underground red line C). Go in the direction “Háje”, to the station “Nádraží Holešovice” (red line C). Leave the metro and continue by tram No.17 to the stop "Jiráskovo náměstí".
How to reach the ELI Beamlines in Dolni Břežany
From the station „Kačerov“ (underground red line C) take the bus No. 333 or No. 331 to the stop "Dolní Břežany, náměstí" or "Dolní Břežany, Obecní úřad".
You should buy a ticket for 40 CZK/120 min. (zones P+0+B+1) for your way.
Or you can use Prague tickets (a basic ticket for 32 CZK/90 min. or a short-term ticket for 24 CZK/30 min.) and then buy an additional ticket for 24 CZK directly on the bus No. 331 or 333.
Public transport in Prague
Prague tickets (basic ticket for 32 CZK/90 min. or short-term ticket for 24 CZK/30 min.)
Check a timetable on or in advance