The UHDPulse 2nd Stakeholder's Meeting is hosted by ELI Beamlines. It is a fully in-person meeting.
Dates: 26-27 Jan 2023 at FZÚ (Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.)
Location: Na Slovance 1999/2, Prague 8, Czech Republic. The entrance to the conference is from the street "Pod Vodárenskou Věží"

We invite you to register as soon as possible as capacity is limited. For further information, you can contact
Disclaimer: This is an internal meeting of the EMPIR 18HLT04 project and not a scientific conference. Any results or information presented are not intended for publication, presentations, not scientific discussion without prior agreement from the EMPIR 18HLT04 project.
No cancellation charge applies if it occurs two weeks before the meeting (local time).