August 30, 2022 to September 2, 2022
Europe/Budapest timezone

Connection details for ONLINE participants

Please note that as an ONLINE participant, you can join the event through Microsoft Teams, and you have to use a different link for each session, as indicated below:

31 August 2022:

             Introducing ELI

             Users' Session 1.

             Users' Session 2.

1 September 2022:

             Physics of Sources

             ELI ERIC: a user facility

             Laser Plasma

2 September 2022:

             AMO 1.

             Condensed matter

             AMO 2.

When clicking on the links, please chose the option to join the event on the web, and then instead of 'Log in', choose anonymous access, so you don't have to create an account.

In case you need technical support during the event, please contact