1) Accommodation:
For participants hotel rooms are booked at Hotel Gingko, Hódmezővásárhely for 30-31 August and 1 September. Since the programme ends late afternoon on 2 September, participants who cannot travel home on that day can choose to stay in the same hotel, move to an airport hotel or to a Budapest downtown hotel. These options will be communicated to the participants via email or in person. Those who wish to arrive before 30 August or leave after 2 September need to arrange their additional accommodation on their own.
2) Transfers:
Daily transfer between the hotel and the institute will be provided. We will also organize a shuttle bus for those who wish to leave on 2 September or choose to stay in Budapest for the night. This bus will stop at the airport, the airport hotel, and at the Budapest downtown hotel.
3) COVID situation:
At the moment, restrictive measures do not apply in Hungary. However, we advise you to cover your mouth and nose with masks in crowded spaces.