The Workshop on Laser-Plasma Interaction for IFE (Inertial Fusion Energy) continues to be a major challenge in direct-drive fusion research.
The aims of this workshop are:
- Bring together European scientists working in this field
(experiment, technology & theory/simulation) - Identify major outstanding issues and possibly agree on how to proceed
- Discuss the experimental needs for a near future and revise the technological updates of current facilities of interest for LPI studies
- Rally the community around the capabilities of the L4n laser beamline
- The physics of the LPI (achievements, status, unsolved issues etc.)
- Identification of possible scientific collaborations
- L4n-P3 capabilities and user requirements for the mid-term and long-term future
The participation is open to everyone who is interested.
The first day of the workshop will be dedicated to invited overview talks.
The morning of the second day will accomodate a limited number of short presentations, ~15 min., and the afternoon is reserved for round-table discussions.
In case you are interested to make a short presentation (subject to availability), please send a concise title & abstract to:
Florian Wasser ( and/or
Stefan Weber (