19–21 Jun 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Laboratory generated Photoionised Plasma of relevance to Accretion powered X-ray sources

20 Jun 2023, 16:40
Conference Room (1st floor)

Conference Room (1st floor)


Raj Laxmi Singh (ELI Beamlines)


We carried out an experiment to generate photoionised plasma using line radiation. Using the high-power ns laser to irradiate the Ag-coated CH foil to produce an X-ray line source, which then photoionise Ar gas. Produced Ar-photoionised plasma achieved photoionisation parameter > 100 erg-cm s-1, the regime of interest of several astrophysical cases.
We demonstrate that the use of a keV X-ray line source, rather than the usual quasi-blackbody radiation fields normally used in such experiments, has allowed for generating the same ratio of inner-shell to outer-shell photoionization as that expected from a blackbody source with ~keV spectral temperature.
We have compared results from our in-house plasma modelling code with those from Cloudy and found moderately good agreement for the time evolution of electron temperature and average ionisation.

Primary author

Raj Laxmi Singh (ELI Beamlines)


Prof. David Riley (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Dr Thomas Audet (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Dr Cormac Hyland (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Dr David Bailie (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Mr Matthew Charlwood (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Dr Steven White (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Dr Gianluca Sarri (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Dr Brendan Kettle (Plasma Physics Group, Imperial College London) Dr Gleb Gribakin (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast) Dr Steven J Rose (Plasma Physics Group, Imperial College London) Dr E.G. Hill (Plasma Physics Group, Imperial College London) Prof. Gary J. Ferland (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky) Dr R.J.R. Williams (AWE plc, Aldermaston) Prof. Francis Keenan (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast)

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