ELI Beamlines Facility
Za Radnicí 835
252 41 Dolní Břežany
Czech Republic
You can reach ELI very easily by public transport. Go by metro (underground) station “Kačerov” (red line C) and continue by a bus No. 333 to the stop “Dolní Břežany, Obecní úřad”. Tickets are sold by a driver directly on the bus.
Registration On Site
- Tuesday – August 29, 2023 / from 09:00
- Wednesday – August 30, 2023 / from 08:45
- Thursday – August 31, 2023 / from 08:45
- Friday – September 1, 2023 / from 08:45
All participants are asked to register on site, pick up their materials and wear their name badges throughout the summer school.
You can check on the website in NEWS:
- whether we have received your payment (those whose payment we have not received have been contacted by email)
- dates of your booking (Masarykova kolej, check in & check out)
A table published on the website does not contain your name, but only the registration ID from the INDICO registration form. The registration confirmation with your ID should be in your email box.
Final invoices will be issued for all received payments. It should be issued no later than 3 weeks after the end of the event, or after the date of the taxable transaction (i.e. the last day of the event)
The accommodation for participants who have booked it in the registration form is provided at Masarykova kolej.
Thákurova Street 1
Praha 6
See the map.
The nearest metro (underground) station is “Dejvická” (the green line A).
A list of accommodated guests is available at the reception.
No voucher is needed, you will need your ID card or passport.
The check in is possible from 14:00.
Accommodation is provided with breakfast.
Bus Transfers
Bus transfers will be provided for participants accommodated at Masarykova kolej between Prague and ELI Beamlines facility.
From Prague to ELI Beamlines
The pick-up point is close to the Diplomat Hotel (located across the Evropská street) - in a side street, or directly in front of the hotel - depending on the immediate situation. There will be 2 buses ready every morning, they should be marked with the ELISS 2023 sign.
- Tuesday – August 29, 2023
- 08:30
- Wednesday – August 30, 2023
- 08:15
- Thursday – August 31, 2023
- 08:15
- Friday – September 1, 2023
- 08:15
The buses will wait for latecomers for a maximum of 5 minutes.

From ELI Beamlines to Prague
- Tuesday – August 29, 2023
- 18:00
- Wednesday – August 30, 2023
- 19:30 (after the poster session)
- Thursday – August 31, 2023
- 18:00 – 2 buses to dinner (Café Vítkov)
- 21:30 – 1 bus from Vítkov to Masarykova kolej
- Friday – September 1, 2023
- 17:15 – 1 bus to the Prague airport
- 17:15 - 1 bus to the main railway station (= city centre)
Poster Session
The poster session will be located in the ELI barn
on Wednesday – August 30, 2023
17:30 – 19:20.
You can find more details on how to prepare a poster on the website.
Please note there is no possibility to print your poster on site!
Social Programme
All registered participants are invited to the buffet style dinner on 31.08 at the Café Vítkov in Prague.
We look forward to seeing you soon!