Mar 19 – 20, 2025
Europe/Prague timezone

Recently, several groups have independently reported the demonstration of compact (<100 m^2 ) GeV muon production, driven by laser electron acceleration [1,2]. ELI has been part of this effort, and is now considering to leverage on the aquired knowledge to develop a dedicated laser-based muon beamline for external users.

The scope of this workshop is to understand if there is enough user interest to motivate the effort required to build a laser-driven muon beamline. The workshop will be fully online and divided in two days: one dedicated to the Laser-Driven muon production techonolgy and one dedicated to potential muon users and to a round table with them.

In order to steer the discussion with potential users, we will ask them to prepare a slide on their desired muon parameters to be presented at the workshop and, ideally, sent beforehand to the workshop organizers.

We plan to publish on peer-reviewed journal the workshop summary, written by the workshop organizers with every participant as co-author.

[1] Zhang et al., arXiv:2410.23829v1 

[2] Terzani et al., arXiv:2411.02321v1

Registration for this event is currently open.