Sep 12 – 16, 2022
Szeged (HU)
Europe/Prague timezone


ART Hotel Szeged

PaNOCS Summer School participants will be accommodated at ART Hotel, in the city centre of Szeged. Your rooms are already booked and covered by the school organisers. Some of the conference days will also take place in the conference rooms of the hotel.

ART Hotel Szeged is located in downtown Szeged facing directly the Cathedral Square (Dóm tér). Four-star rooms, a modern restaurant, well-equipped conference rooms, and a variety of relaxing spa services make the hotel the trendiest in the city that has been already recognised by many awards. ART Hotel Szeged is a perfect choice for the city breakers, theatre fans, art enthusiasts, water sport lovers - and everybody who sets to discover the beautiful city of Szeged.

Source: ART Hotel Szeged


Find out more about your hotel for the PaNOCS Summer School on their website.

General information:

Address: H-6720 Szeged, Somogyi utca 16.

Phone: +36 62 592 888



Please note, that we are not covering or booking your accommodation for the night of 16 September 2022. In case you wish to stay another night in Szeged or in Budapest (capital of Hungary) we are recommending some hotels to check out.


  • ART Hotel Szeged (few rooms left) 

          Address: H-6721 Szeged, Maros u. 1.

          Phone: 00 36 62 562 222 


          Address: H-6726 Szeged, Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 16-24.

          Phone: 00 36 62 490 490 




          Address: H-2220 Vecsés, Széchenyi str. 20.

          Phone: +36 29 353 053, +36 20 968 10 44


          Address: H-1132 Budapest, Kresz Géza u. 1.

          Phone: ‎‎+36 30 479 5481
