Data Management Plans have been the subject of PaNOSC and ExPaNDS deliverables, with a further one currently being sketched in ExPaNDS developing the idea further with infrastructure to support the active use of DMPs in the experimental processes of facilities. In this session, we want to continue the discussion on DMPs including a wider group beyond the WP team to receive views on how DMPs might be used and implemented in facilities processes.
The outputs of the session will contribute to the ExPaNDS deliverable 2.8 on Active DMPs.
We would expect to cover two broad areas, with short introductory talks and open discussion:
- Use cases for DMPs:
how facilities are anticipating DMPs will be used within their processes
- Implementing Active DMPs for facilities:
implementing DMPs, coordinating existing and new information sources;
using active DMPs in experimental workflows on instruments;
using recommendations from other deliverables in ExPaNDS.