Roadmap towards end of project, data for last report (+ PaNOSC deliverable), upcoming events
Structuring better the KPIs, particularly the ones common in both projects. We should also look at making them public
I will present a few slides on ESRF set up specificities compared to ILL (GPUs, Slurm, singularity, CVMFS) in 10 minutes and make a quick demo (quick, because very similar to the ILL, just the access to cluster resources). I could also mention features that we would love to get added to VISA.
Attendees: WP5 team, WP3, WP4 (the participation of Kat Roarty will be much appreciated)
It will be quite important to have the other WPs in the discussion of the next steps, because we are depending.
Data Management Plans have been the subject of PaNOSC and ExPaNDS deliverables, with a further one currently being sketched in ExPaNDS developing the idea further with infrastructure to support the active use of DMPs in the experimental processes of facilities. In this session, we want to continue the discussion on DMPs including a wider group beyond the WP team to receive views on how DMPs...
Attendees: WP5 team and at least one representative per facility in ExPaNDS
For the platform development we should discuss and clarify the feedback of the LEAPS discussion (DOIS, Umbrella, curation models, license issues, video player if videos are not just linked to youtube etc.). Also with respect to the materials type “software” there might be hidden treasures to think of, at the moment...