November 23, 2023
Europe/Warsaw timezone


The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC
Polish Industry Day 

23 November 2023 from 09:30 - 16:00

All presentations are uploaded under each of the programme points in the TIMETABLE.

19 Poleczki St
02-822 Warsaw, Poland

Poland has quite a long history of cooperation with ELI and participated in the ELI Preparatory Phase project (2007 – 2010). On the national level, there is a well-organized consortium of universities and research organizations, ELI-Polska, led by the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. ELI – Polska in cooperation with ELI ERIC engages systematically with Polish partners in the direction of research, education and training, and with government stakeholders. The coming event will aim at cooperation with industrial companies. Opportunities for entering into ELI ERIC tenders for suppliers of goods and services, and possibly using the capacities for contractual research will be discussed. 

The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science and research applications of ultra-intense and ultra-short laser pulses, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research in physical, chemical, materials, and medical sciences, as well as breakthrough technological innovations.

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IMPULSE (Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific  Excellence) is a 42-month project supporting the transition of ELI to sustainable operations. As ELI enters a crucial phase with the establishment of ELI ERIC and the gradual opening of the ELI Facilities to users, IMPULSE addresses the key scientific, technical, organisational and management requirements of this transition, building user communities and expanding the ELI member consortium. This project is inclusive and open, and it relies on the collective effort of a wide consortium involving 15 key institutions of the European science community. IMPULSE focuses primarily on ELI, but its results must have impact beyond the ELI Facilities.


19 Poleczki St, Warsaw 02-822
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