First In-person Meeting of the IMPULSE StB, WPLs, TLs and PMT

Dolní Břežany

Dolní Břežany

Za Radnicí 835 Dolní Břežany, 252 41 Czech Republic

First In-person Meeting of the IMPULSE Steering Board (StB), Work Package Leaders (WPLs), Task Leaders (TLs) and Project Management Team (PMT)

The First In-person Meeting of the IMPULSE Steering Board (StB), Work Package Leaders (WPLs), Task Leaders (TLs) and Project Management Team (PMT) will take place at The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) ERIC / ELI Beamlines in Dolní Břežany in the Czech Republic on 8 September 2022 from 9:00 to 16:45 CEST. All participants are also invited to join a get-together dinner the evening before, on 7 September 2022, as of 19:30 CEST. 

The meeting is intended to allow discussions on the status, challenges and impacts of IMPULSE halfway through the implementation of the project with active participation from all key players responsible for IMPULSE's success.

All invitees are kindly requested to register their participation. Participants are responsible for organising and paying their own travel costs to the venue as well as for their accommodation. 

All organisational details are available in the menu under Practical information.

IMPULSE (Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific  Excellence) is a 42-month project supporting the transition of ELI to sustainable operations. As ELI enters a crucial phase with the establishment of ELI ERIC and the gradual opening of the ELI Facilities to users, IMPULSE addresses the key scientific, technical, organisational and management requirements of this transition, building user communities and expanding the ELI member consortium.

This project is inclusive and open, and it relies on the collective effort of a wide consortium involving 15 key institutions of the European science community. IMPULSE focuses primarily on ELI, but its results must have impact beyond the ELI Facilities.

    • Introduction

      • Welcome
      • Goals of the meeting

      Convener: Allen Weeks (ELI ERIC)
    • Plenary session

      • Workshops’ objectives
      • Presentation of topics / questions / issues relative to each WP

      Conveners: Allen Weeks (ELI ERIC), Minja Maric (ELI ERIC)
    • 1st session with two parallel workshops: WP2 – Joint development of ELI as an integrated organisation. Topics for discussion 1. Review of WP2 tasks and deliverables in light of the overall objectives 2. Plan and discuss required engagement and allocation of resources, update RACI accordingly (if necessary) 3. Development of implementing regulations, processes and procedures related to the specific policies
      Convener: Gábor Németh
    • 1st session with two parallel workshops: WP5 – Enabling excellent user access. Topics for discussion 1. Short summary of the status of WP5 tasks and WP5 budget 2. User portal and 1st ERIC call for proposals 3. Status of implementation of the IMPULSE flagship experiments; synergies with WP3 and WP4 4. Selection and allocation of beamtime for user access pilot experiments 5. Next WP5 deliverable and milestone, in Oct-Nov 2022 (T5.3-5.5) 6. Training for users – in the 1st ERIC call and further on 7. Organization of the Three pillars workshop – representation from the facilities, program
      Convener: Ovidiu Tesileanu (ELI-NP)
    • 2nd session with two parallel workshops: WP3 – Ramping-up Towards Excellent Steady-State Operations. Topics for discussion 1. General: Higher level involvement of external partners in all tasks, avoid their underspending. Define their contribution to get better support from them to the progress of tasks. 2. Task 3.4: Discuss on next steps of the task and involvement of Beamlines to have more input on training needs and trainings available 3. General: Talk about the difficulties, problems we face in any of the tasks, support needs, etc.. 4.AoB
      Convener: András Makai
    • 2nd session with two parallel workshops: WP6 – Fostering ELI’s Innovation Impact. Building of ELI ERIC Innovation management through the Impulse project: 1. Detailed roles of Innovation Board, Industry Panel, and Innovation Offices. Split of responsibilities. Overview of capacities to support innovations at ELI facilities. 2. Financial support to innovation development via Innovation Fund and Innovation Award competition. Individual motivations and experiences. Key development areas. 3. Building of the ELI Industry Liaison Office network. An ILO model for the ELI ERIC consortium. 4. Outreach and promotion of ELI innovations. Plan of activities.
      Convener: Aleš Hála
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch break
    • Evacuation exercise: Evacuation excercise
    • 3rd session with two parallel workshops: WP4 – Key technologies & enhanced experiments. Topics for discussion 1. User DAQ requirements and readiness of control systems 2. Hot topics in advanced targetry
      Convener: Daniel Kramer
    • 3rd session with two parallel workshops: WP7 – Promoting ELI Membership & Communication. Topics for discussion 1. Overview and update incl project comms strategy / ELI comms policy / engagement of new member countries and partners/ social media/publications 2. Activities plan -> content plan 3. Budget 4. Complementarities and synergies
      Convener: Alexandra Schmidli
    • Reporting on results from separate workshops
      Convener: WPLs
    • Conclusions and next steps: Conclusion
      Convener: Allen Weeks (ELI ERIC)