26–28 Jun 2024
ELI Beamlines Facility
Europe/Prague timezone


Science with coherent XUV sources. Part 1 - Chair: Eva Klimešová; Co-Chair: Zsolt Diveki

28 Jun 2024, 09:00
ELI Beamlines Facility

ELI Beamlines Facility

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC Za Radnicí 835 Dolní Břežany, 252 41 Czech Republic


9:00 - 9:30 - Vít Svoboda, Univ. of chemistry and technology Prague
Ultrafast Chiral Dynamics with Photoelectrons

9:30 - 10:00 - Raimund Feifel, University of Gothenburg
Probing ultrafast processes using time-of-flight multi-particle correlation spectroscopy

10:00 - 10:30 - Tamás Csizmadia, ELI ALPS
High repetition rate attosecond beamline for gas targets

10:50 - 11:20 - Ondřej Hort & Jan Vábek, ELI Beamlines
User perspectives of HHG beamline at ELI Beamlines / User-oriented numerical modelling of HHG

11:20 - round table discussion

Presentation materials

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