12 December 2023 to 27 February 2024
ELI Beamlines Facility
Europe/Prague timezone

Laser-driven electron sources and applications

13 Feb 2024, 10:30
1h 30m
ELI Beamlines Facility

ELI Beamlines Facility


Dr Gabriele Grittani (ELI Beamlines ELI ERIC)Dr Illia Zymak (ELI Beamlines ELI ERIC)


The lecture introduces a range of applications of the novel laser-plasma driven (Laser Wakefield Accelerated, LWFA) sources of relativistic electrons available at ELI Beamlines. The laser plasma acceleration (LPA) technique unveils a range of specific applications related to the acceleration mechanism. The ultrashort and so, ultra-intense bunches of electrons generated using ultra-short pulse lasers enable a range of experiments unavailable for conventional electron radiation sources. The possibility to accelerate electrons with extremely high gradients allows production of electrons with GeV or even tens of GeV energies in relatively compact (compared to storage rings) setups, making accessible for users time-resolved quantum electrodynamics experiments and heavy particle pairs production (muons).

Also, ultrashort electron pulses, with a duration less than typical chemical bonds establishing time, or particle–body interaction time allow not only the simulate natural radiation environment (interplanetary and galactic radiation) but also achieve conditions to study FLASH effect cancer treatment or radiation effects to electronics at extremely high peak dose rate values.

The scope of these applications studied at ELI Beamlies using ELBA and ALFA user stations, and also proposed muon beamline construction of which have been recently started, will be discussed in the lecture of Dr. Grittani and Dr. Zymak.

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