12 December 2023 to 27 February 2024
ELI Beamlines Facility
Europe/Prague timezone

Attosecond pulse generation technology, its challenges and the role of ELI-ALPS

17 Jan 2024, 10:30
1h 30m
ELI Beamlines Facility

ELI Beamlines Facility


Dr Divéki Zsolt (ELI ALPS)


About the lecturer Dr. Divéki Zsolt:

2008: Sófi József Scholarship

During my PhD (in CEA Saclay, Paris) my research emphasis was generating high order harmonics (HHG) from atoms and molecules and measure their spectral amplitude and phase. In the case of molecules we also applied field free molecular alignment techniques. The aim of all of these was to use the HHG process in aligned molecules to reconstruct the wavefunction (not the density probability) of the molecular orbitals playing role in the HHG process. In Haessler et al Nat. Phys 6, 200-206 (2010) we managed to perform the first complete tomographic orbital reconstruction (by measuring the spectral amplitude and phase of the harmonics) in aligned nitrogen molecules. This was pushed further in Diveki et al New Journal of Physics 14, 2, 023062 (2012), where we showed that there are multi orbital contributions to the harmonic signal during the HHG process and by careful analysis one can extract the dynamics of the vibration of the nuclei.

During my postdoc years at Imperial College London in the group of Jon Marangos I got involved in several research topics. I got my first hand on experience on building an HHG lab from scratch. In Arrell et al. Review of Scientific Instrumentation 85, 10, 103117 (2014) we were studying photoelectron spectra from liquid phase water using XUV radiation. Liquid phase spectroscopy in the XUV is a very challenging study, since the liquid has to be in vacuum. This experimental run expended my knowledge both from technical point of view (manipulating liquid jets in vacuum) and physics point of view, shining light on the different electronic structure of liquid and gas phase molecules. In Simpson et al New Journal of Physics 18, 8, 083032 (2016), we exploited the home built HHG system for performing attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy in He, where we could control the absorption of certain photon energies in a IR pump XUV probe type of experiment.

Finally, after returning to ELI-ALPS in 2019 I had the pleasure to contribute to the commisioning of the HR Gas phase beamline. The beamline design was made by the group of Mauro Nisoli, but the assembling and testing was made mostly by ELI-ALPS. Ye et al Journal of Physics B, 53, 15 154004 (2020) summarises the result of these efforts, an attosecond beamline on 100 kHz repetition rate.

Currently, I am working on the optimization of high harmonic signal from a 1 kHz, multi 10 mJ laser source at ELI-ALPS (Appi et al. Otpics Express, 31, 20 (2023) and high harmonic generation from solid bulks (Awad et al. Optics Express, 32, 2 (2023)) and liquid sheets.

Reading list that will help you be better prepared for the lecture or comprehend the topic deeper afterwards:

Zenghu Cheng, Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics (Book)
Krausz, Ferenc, and Misha Ivanov, Attosecond physics. Reviews of Modern Physics 81, no. 1 (2009)
K. Ishikawa, High Harmonic Generation, http://ishiken.free.fr/english/lectures/HHG.pdf
Liran Hareli et al Phase matching and quasi phase matching of high order harmonic generation - a tutorial, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 233001 (2020)
C M Heyl et al Introduction to macroscopic power scaling principles for high harmonic generation, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 013001 (2017)
Sergei Kühn et al The ELI-ALPS facility: the next generation of attosecond sources, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 132002 (2017)
Ghimire and Reis, High harmonic generation from solids, Nature Physics, 15, 10-16, (2019)
Park et al. Recent trends in high order harmonics generation in solids, Advances in Physics X, 7,1 (2022)
C Thaury and F Quéré, High order harmonic and attosecond pulse generation on plasma mirrors: basic mechanism, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 213001 (2010)
Quere and Vincenti, Reflecting petawatt lasers of relativistic plasma mirrors: a realistic path to the Schwinger limit, High Power Laser Science and Engineering (2021)
J. Duris et al. Tunable isolated attosecond X-ray pulses with gigawatt peak power from a free electron laser, Nature Photonics, 14, 30-36 (2020)
S Serkez et al Overview of options for generating high brightness attosecond x-ray pulses at free electron lasers and applications at the European XFELJ. Opt. 20 024005 (2018)

Primary author

Dr Divéki Zsolt (ELI ALPS)

Presentation materials