12 December 2023 to 27 February 2024
ELI Beamlines Facility
Europe/Prague timezone

An overview of laser technology development

9 Jan 2024, 10:30
1h 30m
ELI Beamlines Facility

ELI Beamlines Facility


Dr Tyler Green (ELI Beamlines ELI ERIC)Dr Robert Boge (ELI Beamlines ELI ERIC)


The lecture will be divided into two parts:
- Introduction to Laser Physics and Short Pulse Amplification (Dr.T. Green)
- Introduction to Laser Amplifiers (Dr. R. Boge)

Abstract: The aim of Dr. Green's lecture (11:30-12:10 Kyiv time) is to give an overview of the basic principles the core elements of chirped pulse amplifier laser systems. This begins with a discussion of laser oscillators and the generation of ultra-short pulses via modelocked oscillators. This is followed by a review of methods of temporal dispersion management and their use in pulse stretchers and compressors. Finally, we discuss basic methods of short pulse amplification
- Modelocked lasers
- Chirped pulse amplifiers
- Pulse stretchers/compressors
- Temporal pulse dispersion
- Group Delay Dispersion
- Titanium Sapphire amplifiers/oscillators

In the Dr. Boge's lecture (12:15-12:55 Kyiv time), different types and geometries of laser amplifiers will be introduced. Then, we will see how these building blocks and those introduced in the Dr. Green's lecture form large complex laser systems. Finally, a specific example is given on how to model, design, and build a thin-disk based multipass amplifier.

The lectures will be followed by Q&A section. After the questions about the laser technology, we will hold an interview with the lecturers about what the profession of a scientist really is. We hope this will help our younger audience make a better decision about their future career.

If you would like to prepare for the lecture in advance, in the link below one can find explanations on almost all laser related topics (in particular, the lecture key words):

Key words:
- Regenerative Amplifier
- Multipass Amplifier
- Thin-disk Laser
- Rod Laser
- Slab Laser
- Fiber Laser
- Optical Parametric Amplification (OPA)
- Second Harmonic (SHG) or Frequency Doubling
- Gain Narrowing
- Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE)
- Pockels Cell
- Waveplate
- Birefringence
- Polarizer
- Faraday Isolators

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