Conference hall / Join Zoom Meeting (ELI ERIC / ELI Beamlines (hybrid))

Conference hall / Join Zoom Meeting

ELI ERIC / ELI Beamlines (hybrid)

Za Radnicí 835, 252 41 Dolní Břežany




The Presentation of Horizon Europe, organised by ELI ERIC in collaboration with Technology Centre CAS, is the first in a series of events which are planned to be organised to update the ELI employees about the Horizon Europe, EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. This event concentrates on Pillar 1 Excellent Science (ERC, MSCA, Research Infrastructures) and Widening participation and spreading excellence. It is also an occasion to exchange with the ELI Research teams with the aim to understand the areas of interest.

This is a hybrid event. Connection details are provided below for online participation.

Join Zoom Meeting -

The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI ERIC) is the world’s leading laser-based research infrastructure. It serves cutting-edge research in physical, chemical, materials and medical sciences, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. ELI ERIC will provide access to world-class high power and ultra-fast lasers for science and enable cutting-edge research in physical, chemical, materials, and medical sciences, as well as breakthrough technological innovations.

The Technology Centre of the CAS  (TS CAS) is a key national institution providing information and consulting services about European Framework Programmes for research, development and innovation, performs international technology transfer and carries out oriented research in the area of science, technologies and innovations. The TC supports the participation of the Czech Republic in the European Research Area, prepares analytical and conceptual studies for research and development, performs international technology transfers and supports the creation and development of innovation businesses.

Follow us on social media:

ELI ERIC Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram

Technology Centre of the CAS Twitter, LinkedIn



    • Introduction to the event: Welcome address, Introduction of participants, Goals of the meeting

      • Welcome address
      • Introduction of participants
      • Goals of the meeting

      Convener: Mrs Minja Maric (ELI ERIC)
      • 1
        Introduction to the event
        Speaker: Minja Maric (ELI ERIC)
    • 2
      Introduction to Horizon Europe
      Speaker: Mrs Nad'a Konickova (Technology Centre CAS)
    • 3
      Pillar 1 Excellent Science: ERC
      Speaker: Mrs Petra Fedorová (Technology Centre CAS)
    • 4
      Pillar 1: Excellent Science: MSCA
      Speaker: Mrs Zuzana Šimek (Technology Centre CAS)
    • 5
      Horizon Europe: Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area
      Speaker: Mrs Anna Vosečková (Technology Centre CAS)
    • 6
      Presentation of ELI ERIC and its Facilities (ELI Beamlines and ELI Alps)
      Speaker: Mrs Minja Maric (ELI ERIC)
    • 10:30 AM
    • 7
      Horizon Europe, Pillar 1 Excellent Science, Research Infrastructures (Work Programme 2023-2024)
      Speaker: Mrs Nad'a Witzanyová (ELI ERIC)
    • 8
      Presentation of ELI Research Teams (ELI Beamlines - Laser development, Bedřich Rus and Research programmes, Sergei Bulanov)

      Presentation about capabilities, necessities and possible collaborations

      Speakers: Dr Bedřich Rus, Prof. Sergei Bulanov
    • 9
      Presentation of ELI Research Teams (ELI ALPS)

      Presentation about capabilities, necessities and possible collaborations

      Speaker: Dr Péter Dombi (ELI ALPS)
    • 10
      Discussion and conclusions
    • 12:00 PM