IMPULSE User access workshop

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste


IMPULSE User access workshop

The workshop will bring together representatives from ELI ERIC, the ELI facilities and Elettra involved in the activities of WP5 and 6 in the IMPULSE project. The presentations and discussions aim for an open exchange of ideas and experience among the participants, on all topics relevant for the user access, from the organization of the calls to the follow-up after the experiment and the proprietary user access.

The main sessions will be devoted to: (a) Organization of user calls; (b) User access and experimental support; (c) Follow-up and (d) Proprietary user access and engagement. 

Participation is upon invitation only. Personnel from the ELI, ELI-NP and Elettra User offices, from the safety teams and from the industrial liaison offices will be invited to the meeting.

The IMPULSE Users Access Workshop hosted by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste will take place as an in-person event in Trieste, Italy, on the 30th and 31st of January 2024

Please register by January 18th.

The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science and research applications of ultra-intense and ultra-short laser pulses, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research in physical, chemical, materials, and medical sciences, as well as breakthrough technological innovations.

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IMPULSE (Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific  Excellence) is a 42-month project supporting the transition of ELI to sustainable operations. As ELI enters a crucial phase with the establishment of ELI ERIC and the gradual opening of the ELI Facilities to users, IMPULSE addresses the key scientific, technical, organisational and management requirements of this transition, building user communities and expanding the ELI member consortium. This project is inclusive and open, and it relies on the collective effort of a wide consortium involving 15 key institutions of the European science community. IMPULSE focuses primarily on ELI, but its results must have impact beyond the ELI Facilities.